Healing from Heartbreak & Moving Through Grief | #4
Ariela OceansShare
Healing from Heartbreak: A Journey of Transformation
Welcome back to the Illumined Being Podcast! I'm Ariela, an Akashic Records Reader and Energy Healer, and this is where we merge the spiritual with the practical. Through my lived experiences, I extract the lessons I've learned so that they may be able to help you. Today, we're diving into a topic that's incredibly close to my heart: heartbreak and how to heal from it.
A Message from the Guides
As we begin, I want to acknowledge that if you’re here, this episode is meant to nourish your soul. My highest self, along with your guides, are coming in strong to create a space where you feel listened to and heard. We’re going to talk about some of the painful parts of the breakup or separation process. This could include the breakup of a romantic relationship, the end of a friendship, or the loss of a loved one. The feeling of grief is universal; it's a shared experience that we all have here on this planet.
The Roller Coaster of Grief
Grief often feels like a roller coaster. There’s the underlying sadness that lingers in the background, but you also have moments of joy and happiness as you move forward with your life. Sometimes, you might feel pulled back by the sadness, making it difficult to fully embrace the happy moments. I want to make it clear: it’s okay to hold space for both the grief and the joy. Life isn’t black and white; it’s all the shades in between.
My Own Heartbreak Story
Let me share a bit about my own breakup story, specifically what I felt afterward. It was a hard and messy time for me, and I know many of you listening have felt this way too. It’s okay to feel deeply—sadness, hatred, regret, guilt, shame—these emotions are part of the human experience. And it’s through these heavy, murky emotions that we are brought into the light.
After heartbreak or loss, it can feel like everything is brewing in this dark marsh of water, bubbling with trapped emotions. When these bubbles come to the surface and release, it’s like a portal of luminous light opens up within you. This light is your deepest source of inner strength and wisdom. Sometimes, you have to break your heart open to access the most precious part of yourself.
Why Heartbreak Happens
You might be asking, “Why did I have to go through this?” Part of the reason is to see what you’re made of. It’s for you to experience your own depth, to hold yourself in the chaos and the unknown, to continue learning and growing. Heartbreak is like a divine test of your heroism, a quest for your heart and soul. And while it’s tough, it’s also an opportunity to emerge on the other side—stronger, braver, and more confident than ever before.
The Healing Process
During my healing process, I struggled with panic attacks, regret, and a mix of conflicting emotions. I wanted comfort, but I also wanted to prove that I could take care of myself. I realized that the most painful part wasn’t just the loss of the relationship—it was the realization that I had abandoned myself, that I hadn’t respected my own boundaries. If you’re going through something similar, know that it’s a lot to hold, but you’re building a capacity within yourself that’s crucial for your growth and mission.
You’re learning how to hold duality within you—a heart that is open and expanding, even as it breaks. This break is what allows new energy, new experiences, and abundance to flow into your life.
Finding Your Path to Healing
Healing from heartbreak is an individual journey because no one else can do this for you. Truth be told, you wouldn’t want someone else to do it for you. When all is said and done, you’re going to be grateful for the experience because of the insights you’ve gained and the strength you’ve built.
During my own healing, I explored various paths—from therapy to therapeutic psychedelics and energetic healing practices. Everyone’s path is different, and I can help you find what’s right for you in a personalized reading. Whether it’s rollerblading, painting, comedy, or fashion, discovering what lights up your soul is key.
The Hero’s Journey
Remember, you are a seeker, and this is your hero’s journey. Heartbreak is a test that pushes you to discover how deeply you can hold yourself and how resilient you truly are. And when you come out on the other side, you’ll be more powerful, more free, and more fully yourself than ever before.
So, if you’re in the midst of heartbreak, know that you are building something beautiful within yourself. You’re becoming stronger, more resilient, and more courageous. And yes, you’re going to make it out on the other side, with scars that tell your story—a story of survival, transformation, and empowerment.
Closing Thoughts
I’m sending you so much love on your healing journey! Remember, you’re going to make it out in flying colors, and you’ll be all the richer for it. If you’re looking for guidance on your path to healing, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help you navigate this journey.
Thank you for joining me today. Take care, and remember—you are a badass, and no one can mess with your strength.
If this message resonated with you, check out my YouTube channel which has guided meditations, channeled messages, and lessons learned that can help you on your journey.